Heeeeeeii i'm back! Now i'm
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Finally guysss!! I've through almost three years, 21 kilometres everyday, many new people, teachers, friends, canteen, Saman, My Boyfriend, Math, Chemistry, Physic, Biology, X-7, XI-IPA 3, XII-IPA 4, all the stufss, chairmate, gossip, went to Bali-Jogja, saman festival2-3.... OOOHHHH GOD i,m gonna miss all those moments:"""""
Thanks guys for give me the lessons how to be recived in the world, thanks for tell me without you all i'm nothing. And thanks for making so many memories in high school.
Sukses terus, Someday we have to meet. Kalo udah pada sukses jangan lupa satu sama lain:)
My family who always support all the time:) |
i love you Gat... |
this is my last classmate, XII IPA 4. Stress bareng, seneng bareng, ngadepin UN bareng:") i'm gonna miss all the moments in the class with you all guys:"")
My pretty pretty prettyyy Angels, Ajeng-Seby:D on my left is my chairmate:p
ooh i can't tell how i love this one. DHEAAA!!!!
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