Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

my family

I know everyone would love their family.family is always there beside us when we are sad, when we are happy and but I feel I am rarely there for them .....i really love my family ,especially my little family MAMAH DEWI,AYAH JAYA,AA DEJA.i know without them,i cant life.they were encouraging me, even though sometimes I feel angry towards them

makasih udah nemenin ade sampe sejauh ini,makasih buat mamah ayah karna udah ngasih kepercayaan nya ke ade,makasih karna udah ngasih banyak pelajaran berharga ke ade,makasih buat mamah,ayah,aa yang udah sering nganterin ade sekolah les ke dokter gigi dan banyak lagi.....kata makasih dari ade ga cukup kalo ade tulis disini.maaf kalo ade suka ngeluh kalo lagi di mintain tolong.but in my deepest heart...i want to say I LOVE YOU ALL

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